Local Governance Committee (LGC)

Mrs D Allez: Community Governor, Chair of Governors
Term of office: 2 September 2019 - 1 September 2023

Ms C Banks: Community Governor
Term of office: 22 March 2022 - 21 March 2026

Mr O Edwards: Headteacher
Term of office: Ex Officio

Mr S Flenley: Community Governor
Term of office: 1 September 2020 - 31 August 2024

Mrs N Hammond: Parent Governor
Term of office: 16 January 2023 - 15 January 2027

Mrs R Holmes: Staff Governor
Term of office: 15 March 2023 - 14 March 2027

Mrs S Pearce: Community Governor
Term of office: 2 September 2019 - 1 September 2023

Miss D Thornton: School Staff
Term of office: 18 November 2021 - 17 November 2025

Former members

Mrs J Mounter: 1 September 201731 August 2023
Matthew Sands: 16 July 2021 - 10 November 2022
Mrs J Campbell: 1 September 2020 - 20 February 2023
Mr R Humphrey: 2 September 2019 - 15 May 2023

Contacting the LGC

Clerk to Governors
Email: clerktogovernors@themeadowsprimaryschool.org.uk

Further information

Futura Learning Partnership

The Meadows Primary School is a Futura Learning Partnership school.


Our staff

Headteacher: Owen Edwards
Assistant Headteacher: Rachel Holmes
SENDCO: Owen Edwards
School administrator: Lynn Luther
Clerical assistant: Gill Pedrick

Reception Year: Hannah Jones
Year 1: Kate Sapoff and Kiana Timbrell
Year 2: Izzy Walker
Year 3/4: George Marron
Year 4/5: Stella Gentle and Cat Kupai
Year 6: Rachel Holmes

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Shelley Robinson

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Ana Abril Andreu

Pastoral Teaching Assistant: Dawn Thornton

Teaching Assistant: Claire Adams
Teaching Assistant: Sam Cardwell
Teaching Assistant: Anna Tokar
Teaching Assistant: Leanne Pittaway
Teaching Assistant: Tia Gould
Teaching Assistant: Natalie Hammond

Art specialist teacher: Matt Jeanes       

Breakfast Club assistant: Gill Pedrick
Breakfast Club assistant: Joy Dando
Breakfast Club assistant: Julie Staddon

Chef: Lisa Ford
Assistant Chef: Jackie Caswell

Cleaning staff: Joy Dando
Cleaning staff: Jackie Davis

Keyholder: Gill Pedrick / Vince Bowden

Senior Lunchtime Ranger: Jackie Ferris
Lunchtime Ranger: Claire Long                     
Lunchtime Ranger: Joy Dando                  
Lunchtime Ranger: Pam Hacker
Lunchtime Ranger: Sam Jenkins

Casual Lunchtime Ranger: Tracey Winstone, Julie Staddon, and Jo Haywood 

Caretaker: Vince Bowden and Mike Damsell




Following an Ofsted inspection in May 2022 we are extremely pleased to have been judged as 'good' in all areas.

You can read the full Ofsted report (Pdf)


SATs results

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Our SATs results for KS1 and 2 are below, together with results from the EYFS and Year 1 phonic screening test:


If you would like to read more about the school then please see the school profile and performance tables and DfE school performance.


Local offer for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

We are an inclusive mainstream primary and a Futura Learning Partnership school. We provide for a wide range of needs including those related to communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social and emotional difficulties and sensory and physical difficulties.

For more information please see:

Key contact

The Meadows Primary School's Inclusion Lead and SENDCo is Mrs H Macleod.

SEND complaints

What do I do if I am not satisfied with a decision or what is happening?

  • Your first point of contact is the person with whom you had the discussion. Explain your concerns to them first
  • If you are not satisfied that your concerns have been addresses, please ask to speak with their line manager, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team – this may be the SENDCo, the Deputy Headteacher, Headteacher and explain your concerns to them
  • If you continue to feel that your issues have not been addressed, the Headteacher will arrange a meeting with a Governor. Please contact the school for this to be arranged
  • If you not happy that the situation is resolved, please follow the complaints procedure policy
  • If your concern is with the local authority, then please contact the Children and Young people Team on 01454 868008.

British values

The Department for Education has said: "We want to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs." 

At The Meadows, we are very proud of the diverse range of activities we provide for the children and we strive to demonstrate these values. Please see our overview of how we ensure that the children of The Meadows understand British Values

If you feel you may have something to offer the school linked with British Values (or know someone else who might be keen to), we would love to hear from you. Please contact the school office.

Further information

Promoting fundamental British values (Pdf)



Sport and PE premium funding

What is the sports premium?

All schools receive additional funding from the government, to support the development of sport and physical education (PE) across their school. Funding must be used to facilitate additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport within the school, and to encourage healthy and active lifestyles. More information can be found on PE and sport premium for primary schools.

More information



We have lots of great opportunities within our trust, take a look at the current vacancies.
