
The office

Term dates


Term 1

Inset days: 2 and 3 September 2024
 4 September 2024
Ends: 25 October 2024

Term 2

Starts: 4 November 2024
Ends: 20 December 2024

Term 3

Starts: 6 January 2025
Ends: 13 February 2025
Inset day: 14 February 2025

Term 4

Starts: 24 February 2025
Inset day: 3 March 2025
Ends: 4 April 2025

Term 5

Starts: 22 April 2025
Ends: 23 May 2025

Term 6

Starts: 2 June 2025
Inset day: 13 June 2025
Inset day: 4 July 2025
Ends: 18 July 2025
Inset days: 21 and 22 July 2025

Printable version of the term dates 2024/25 (Pdf)


School policy and ordering links

QR code to school uniform supplierOur school uniform can be purchased online through Marks and Spencer or online via Earth Uniform. Any uniform bought these providers we receive a generous donation of 5% back to the school.

If any parents or carers have difficulty in ordering items online then please contact Lynn Luther our school administrator who will be happy to assist you.

More information


Stikins clothing labels

For those parents thinking of ordering labels for clothing and other kit, the label company Stikins are offering a deal where the school receives 30% commission on each order.  This will obviously help with fundrasing for the school. Please ensure the School Commission code of 23281 appears in the 'Enter School Fundraising Number' field. Thank you for supporting the school.

Click here to visit Stikins Name Labels

Online payments: My Child at School

The school will no longer take payment for any item in cash. Instead, parents and carers will need to use the online portal called My Child at School(MCAS)which is part of our BROMCOM system. You will find a link to download the app from this log in page. Parents will receive a unique password to be able to log on and pay for school meals, trips, music tuition and afterschool clubs.

For more information or to make an online payment to the school please go to the MCAS online portal. 

If parents or carers would like help with using the portal then please see Lynn Luther in the school office.


Zest Childcare (Wrap Around Childcare and holiday club)

Welcome to Zest Childcare


View Zest's Childcare Wrap Around welcome pack (pdf).

For more information please email:

FAQs, terms and conditions

See our childcare provision FAQ's and booking terms and conditions.

School catering service

Welcome to Zest our in-house catering service

Zest is proud to say it serves great homemade food using fresh, healthy, local ingredients at an affordable price for our staff and students to enjoy.


Zest's lunchtime menu from September - December 2024 (Pdf)

Zest's lunchtime GF and Halal menu from September - December 2024 (Pdf)

Zest's lunchtime DF menu from September - December 2024 (Pdf)

Allergen awareness checker (Pdf)


School policy information

Children may arrive at school from 8.45am and go into class at 8.55am. There is no supervision on site for children before this time and the school is not legally responsible for them. Registration is called at 9.00am for all classes.

Registers will close at ten minutes after registration times. A pupil that arrives after this time will be marked as ‘late after registration has closed’ unless the school have previously acknowledged the reason for their late arrival into school.

More information

Attendance policy

Photo and video consent

General principles for student images and video recording

Student photos and video recordings may be used for identification purposes and evidencing educational development. Such data will not be shared unless the law requires us to do so, or specific consent has been provided by the parent/carer.

Videos may be taken of lessons to support staff development; these may be seen by other teachers in school for staff training.

Where video or sound recording is required as part of an exam course for moderation purposes, such as drama, dance, music and PE, consent is not required other than opting to choose to study the course.

Parents / carers are welcome to take videos and photos of their children at school events for their own personal use. However, to respect everyone’s privacy rights and in some cases protection, these images must not be published or made publicly available on social networking sites, nor should parents / carers comment on any activities involving other students in the images / footage. Websites and social media can be viewed throughout the world, not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies. When images are posted on the internet, it is not possible to prevent others from reposting them.

Futura Schools use third party school photographers. These third parties come into school to take pictures of students (and their siblings) and pass the images back to the school. Proofs are distributed to parents/carers by the school. Parents/carers wishing to purchase images, do so by direct payment to the photographer. Schools are able to provide information on the specific photographer used in each school and direct parents/carers to their photographer’s own data protection policy.

Additional and specific consent for use by external agencies/companies may be sought.

For further information about how students’ personal information is collected and managed, please refer to the privacy notice on the trust website.

Parental consent

Parents provide consent for publication of their child’s image through the Parental Consents section of the My Child At School parent portal, or by contacting the school. Parental consent falls into two broad categories: School News/Events and Promotional Material.

Parental consent - school news and events

By consenting to ‘School News and Events’, parents/carers give consent to the following:

  • Images may be used in the school newsletters and information bulletins. These publications may be printed or published on-line via the school’s website. School websites do not have restricted access.
  • Images or video footage may be used on school social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, WhatsApp and Instagram. Note: social media accounts may not be closed groups.
  • Students’ full names will not be shown alongside any published image.
  • If parents do not want their child’s image to be shown on any of the aforementioned social media sites, they should withdraw consent for this category. It is not possible for the school to differentiate between permission granted for certain social media platforms (e.g. Facebook) but not others (e.g. Twitter).

Parental consent - promotional material

By consenting to ‘promotional material’, parents/carers give consent to the following:

  • Images may be used in the school on activity boards, screens or reception area for promotional purpose. Note: this is separate to our statutory obligation to display work around the school, which may contain personal information; schools do not require consent to do this.
  • Images or video footage may be used on the school website for publicity purposes.
  • Images may be used in printed materials such as the school prospectus.
  • Images or video footage may be used in the media (local / national press). Student’s names will only be published in exceptional circumstances, and with parent/carer permission. 
  • Unless parents/carers give express consent, students’ full names will not be shown alongside any published image.
  • If parents do not want their child’s image to be used for specific purposes (e.g. prospectus, but not media), consent should be withdrawn. It is not possible for the school to differentiate between permission granted for certain promotional material but not others.

Parents/carers can withdraw consent at any time either through the Bromcom MCAS account or by contacting the school.
